With the crisp morning air and beautiful fall colours marking the end of summer, North Shore’s operational management team would like to take a moment to recognize some individuals for their exceptional contributions and efforts. This month, the following individuals are being recognized:

Providence Abananatwe                                                                     

Providence joined North Shore earlier on this year and has stepped forward in the accounting group during a time where we are experiencing significant invoicing volume and demands.  Providence has taken on doing some of our more complicated invoicing tasks and her volume and proficiency in getting these tasks completed has noticeably improved over that period.  Providence has taken on increased responsibility and has provided additional guidance for others in the group.  We are fortunate to have her and her determination at this very busy time. Great work Providence!

Logan Beaumont

Logan will be celebrating his 5 year anniversary with North Shore in the next few months. Over the last couple of years, Logan has been integral to the success of one of North Shore’s larger remediation/reclamation programs in central Alberta. Logan’s reclamation experience has been a tremendous asset to these programs and his communication skills have gone a long way in developing and maintaining relationships with landowners, occupants, contractors, and other affected stakeholders. More recently, Logan has taken the initiative in passing on his skills and experience in a training and mentorship role with some of the company’s junior staff. By doing so, Logan has become a valued senior leader within North Shore’s organization and is highly regarded by all of those that work with him. Congratulations to Logan on a job well done!

Laura Fletcher

Laura is one of North Shore’s seasoned veterans, having spent almost 11 years with the company. Over this time, Laura has had several roles in both the field and the office working with North Shore’s remediation/reclamation and biophysical teams. Regardless of the type of project, Laura always approaches her work with an enthusiastic attitude and can be relied upon for her quality and attention to detail. Laura’s wealth of experience and diverse skillset is always valued. Doing all of this while caring for her young family and sustaining a farm makes it that much more impressive. We are extremely grateful to have Laura as part of the North Shore family and would like to extend a big thank you for her years of dedication and hard work.

Congratulations to these three individuals! North Shore would like to thank all its staff for their hard work and contributions throughout the very busy summer season. As an organization defined by its people and collaborative expertise, we continue to be successful in our project execution and overall business operations. We wish everyone a wonderful fall season and with a little luck, hopefully we can avoid the dreaded “S” word for as long as we can.

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